What’s behind the “No”?

Many kids respond with "No" or "I don't want to" or "it's boring" when presented with a game or activity they don't know how to play.

We teach the PERSPECTIVE TAKING behind those responses. If you just say "no", or "it's boring" what will others THINK?  
Kids may assume you don't want to play with them, rather than just not knowing the game.

We teach that nobody knows every game and it's ok to ask how to play. However sometimes it can be hard to admit you don't know. At Social Foundations we practice different types of responses...

- I'll watch for a little while before I play
- What are the rules of the game?
- Looks like fun but I'm not sure I want to play

This way you can keep the friendship connection going no matter what game is being played.


How to be a flexible thinker